Our Manchester: Federation of Recorded Music Societies

Posted on October 21, 2010

The Federation of Recorded Music Societies can claim to have played its part in developing greater enthusiasm and understanding of recorded classical music over a substantial portion of the past century and many of the socities are notching up their 60th birthdays!

As the “National Federation of Gramophone Societies”, the Federation was launched in 1936. Although the title has been changed to reflect more recent developments, the aims of the movement have remained basically unaltered and the attraction is still present in the 21st century as over 200 societies continue to ply their trade.

Recorded Music Societies are an integral but often unsung part of our musical fabric offering appreciation and understanding of music in stimulating and convivial company.

The Federation provides such groups with licensing and insurance services and advice for its affiliates about the wider issues of copyright, insurances and other legislation or practices that interest recorded music societies.

  Federation of Recorded Music Socities

The Federation also manages a web site on which societies can promote their activities and publishes a twice-yearly magazine, The Bulletin, that is full of interesting articles, advice on programme planning, and record and book reviews, plus of course, news and information from around the movement. 

The Federation also promotes a wider music community. Interchange of activities, ideas and people between the dispersed societies is achieved by the formation of Regional Groups (with attendant local activities and exchange of presenters), and through day or weekend events organised regionally and nationally.

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