Arts Council Funding Cuts Revealed
Posted on October 26, 2010
The Arts Council has announced details of how the 29.6% cut to its budget announced last week will be implemented over the next four years.
“The majority of arts organisations will be given an equal cut which has been kept to 6.9% for 2011/12. This approach keeps the overall percentage cut as low as possible and gives organisations a quick and fair decision. It allows them a degree of relative stability in a very challenging economic climate, particularly in the context of the large cuts to local authority budgets implied in the Spending Review.
You can view a full breakdown of funding amounts for each regularly funded organisation in 2011/12 on our regularly funded organisations page.
Over the four-year period 2011-2015, the percentage budget cut for funded arts organisations will be 14.9%.
Liz Forgan, Chair of the Arts Council, said: ‘These are severe cuts, made worse by the fact that around 80% of them have to come in the first two years of the settlement. We are determined to lead the arts through this tough period, using all our knowledge, expertise, and brokering skills, and drawing on the resourcefulness and imagination around us.”
Read the full statement from the Arts Council England website