Janet Fulton & The Royal Philharmonic Society
Posted on August 5, 2020

Pow! My, are we lucky to work with some incredible people here at Manchester Camerata, none more so than our very own principal percussionist Janet Fulton! Janet is such a wizard on the timpani, she was even awarded the highly prestigious Salomon Prize by the Royal Philharmonic Society and Assoc. of British Orchestras last year.
And, if that weren’t enough she even works part-time as a NHS Community First Responder!
James Murphy, Chief Executive at the Royal Philharmonic Society asked our Janet to take part in ‘The RPS Conversation’ – an online series for classical music lovers that shines a light on how the pandemic is affecting the lives and work of musicians.
We thought you might like to read what Janet had to say :
‘The thing is, with music, people say it’s a gift… but it’s a gift to be given, to be shared. At first in lockdown, I wasn’t able to do anything other than the NHS work… I was out working six days a week for the first three months… but now my musical, creative side has started to come back and I’m in talks with Yorkshire Ambulance about doing some kind of rhythmic work, drawing on Latin-type rhythms, even using pots and pans. The NHS is realising how important music and the arts are, and the big issue to come now – as well people’s physical health – will be their mental health. Music is a language, it speaks to your innermost being, right inside each individual. So this is our role now: as orchestral members, as musicians, to help healing, to be there for people. Now is the time for us to enable as many people as possible to use music for their own personal well being and for communities to bring people back together.’
Janet you are a superstar! Watch the whole interview below.
If you would like an audio version of the interview or a transcript both are available at the RPS’s website here.