LEARNING: Portrait of Place

Posted on July 20, 2011

The finishing touches are being put to Manchester Camerata’s big Learning and Participation project for the 2011/12 Season – Portraits of Place

In keeping with the overal theme for Manchester Camerata’s Concert Series – Portraits of Music – this coming year’s Learning Project has a visual theme.

Schools from across Greater Manchester and the North West of England will be set the task of creating a collage of images representing their locality. It could be their town, their school, local landmarks, their trip to school.

The idea is to create a photographic portrait of their area and then create a piece of music inspired by the collage they’ve created.

The children involved will be working throughout the year in a series of workshops with a composer, visual artist and Camerata musicians to create a final sharing performance of their work in May 2012.

For further details of this project, contact Camerata’s Head of Learning and Participation, Nick Ponsillo either by email at nponsillo@manchestercamerata.co.uk or by phone on 0161 226 8696

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