Manchester Camerata and New Music

Posted on June 9, 2011

Manchester Camerata and New Music

Once upon a time Bach, Beethoven and Bartok were all composing `New Music`.  And where would we be without them. That’s why Manchester Camerata are fanatical about encouraging new works.  We’re doing that in conjunction with the Royal Northern College of Music, and Sound and Music (SAM).
This year we’re proud to announce the introduction of Composer in Residence. As part of its Embedded scheme, Brahim Kerkour has been chosen to get the opportunity to interact closely with the players and staff, initially observing the group in action before creating work for specific contexts as part of Manchester Camerata’s Portraits season with the support of a specially selected mentor.

This is the latest development in a lngstanding relationship between Manchester Camerata and Sound and Music which strives to give opportunities for developing composers to showcase their skills.

And look out in January for our Manchester Composers’ Project Workhsop Day 2012, which offers ten contemporary composers – studying at the RNCM, University of Manchester and Chetham’s School of Music – to see their works reheared, discussed and developed in an interactive publicworkshop.  Led by by composer Peter Wiegold and conductor Eduardo Portal, an ensemble of Camerata players will rehearse and discuss these new compositions which are inspired by portraits in Manchester Art Gallery.