Pulling the Strings in Wigan
Posted on February 28, 2011
Manchester Camerata have been working with young musicians in Wigan during a day of intensive string coaching.
String players from Camerata joined forces with aspiring young colleagues in Wigan for a day of intensive coaching on 17 February 2011.
Sitting alongside their young counterparts in repertoire including a Vivaldi Concerto Grosso and working on instrumental technique, ensemble playing and historically informed performance style, the workshop gave the young musicians an insight into exactly what is involved in creating the magic of a Manchester Camerata performance. The day also included string quartet coaching, and a short concert by the quintet of Camerata musicians themselves. Camerata Musicians will be returning to Wigan on 30 June to join these talented young players in performing a Vivaldi Concerto Grosso for their end of term concert. For more details about this and all Manchester Camerata’s Learning and Participation work contact Nick Ponsillo on 0161 226 8696 or by email nponsillo@manchestercamerata.com |
See further details about Manchester Camerata’s Learning and Participation work