Manchester Camerata in Budapest
Date: Wednesday 06th February 2019 19.30

Venue: Liszt Academy Concert Centre
- Haydn Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major
- Debussy Two Dances
- Kraft Cello Concerto in C major, Op. 4
- Mozart Symphony No. 39 in E-flat major, K. 543
Performed By
- István Várdai Cello
- Andrea Vigh Harp
- Gábor Takács-Nagy Music Director
We played in front of a Liszt Academy audience for the first time in 2015, and just as back then, we are joined in this concert by István Várdai, who performs one concerto by Haydn and one by Haydn’s student Antonín Kraft, first cellist with the orchestra of Prince Esterházy. We are also performing Mozart’s Symphony No. 39 and Debussy’s Two Dances featuring with Andrea Vigh.